Bardi Lawyers

Privacy Policy

Last Updated: March 17, 2021.


ITALO BARDI INDIVIDUAL LAW FIRM ("BARDI LAWYERS") is committed to respecting the privacy and protecting the personal data of data subjects with whom we relate, in compliance with applicable laws, especially Law No. 13,709/2018 ("General Law for the Protection of Personal Data" or "LGPD").


This Privacy Policy ("Policy") aims to inform customers, partners, suppliers, service providers, website users, job seekers, event participants and other data subjects as their personal data will be treated when accessing and using the website, or when interacting with BARDI LAWYERS in other means, describing the rules relating to the processing of personal data.


We recommend that this Policy be read carefully, especially before you begin your relationship with BARDI LAWYERS. If you have any questions about the content of this Policy, please contact us at


1. Data types collected and how we use this data

When you access and use our website, contract our services, provide services to us, or when you in any way interact with us, we may process your personal data for various purposes, such as some that are indicated below:


Data collected


Registration data on the website, in our newsletter or in our events (name, e-mail, organization in which you work, position and areas of interest).

 Send content produced by the office, such as institutional communications, newsletter, e-books, materials on specific legal topics, invitations to events or feedback research.

• Allow your participation in the events promoted by the office and your interaction by sending questions or questions.

Contact details (name, email, organization you work for, job title, phone number, address).

 To answer your questions, compliments, complaints, suggestions and communicate with you, especially when you send us a message through the Contact page on our website.

To manage our relationship with you or the company you represent, whether you are a customer, a former customer, or a potential customer.

For meetings, in person or virtually, telephone discussions or for discussions in general.

To manage the billing and collection of our fees, costs or expenses for the provision of legal services contracted by you or the company you represent.

Data provided in your resume (name, address, telephone number, email address, academic history, professional background, desired position, objectives, skills, language mastery, as well as any other information that you spontaneously include in the curricula you send us).

To recruit new members, contacting them and allowing them to participate in all stages of the respective selection processes, such as interviews, group dynamics, practical or theoretical tests, among other activities inherent to the selection process.

• To evaluate the adherence of the professional profile to vacancies that are open at BARDI LAWYERS or for which you have applied.

Qualifying data (full name, nationality, marital status, profession, address, ID, email address).

Draw up, revise or negotiate contracts in which you are one of the parties, represent the parties or are in any way involved.

For the conduct of administrative, judicial or arbitration proceedings in which you are one of the parties, represent the parties or are in any way involved.

For the performance or participation in legal steps to verify the conformity of an organization with Brazilian legislation and for risk assessment, especially in mergers and acquisitions, corporate restructuring sands or capital market operations.

For the preparation, review or negotiation of legal instruments or documents necessary in accordance with applicable legislation.

Data collected at student fairs (name, telephone, e-mail, educational institution, course, current semester that is attending).

Contact you about any internship opportunities at BARDI LAWYERS that may be of interest to you.

Invite you to internship interviews.

Submit internship proposals.

Data on your participation/involvement/work in organizations (position, salary, benefits, functions, document data, qualification data, among others).

Prepare, review or negotiate contracts, especially employment contracts.

For the conduct of administrative, judicial or arbitration proceedings, especially in labor complaints.

For the performance or participation in legal steps to verify the conformity of an organization with Brazilian legislation and for risk assessment, especially in mergers and acquisitions, corporate restructuring sands or capital market operations.

Data of interaction with the content produced by BARDI LAWYERS (clicks on our website or newsletter, number of accesses, opening of newsletters and newsletters sent, length of stay, engagement index, analytical data)

To improve our communication with you, develop the functionalities of our website and services provided.

To submit content that we believe may be of interest to you.

To perform analyses on the effectiveness and relevance of the content we produce.

Security camera footage.

 • To ensure the safety of our physical facilities and our members.

information on your access to our website and other applications made available by BARDI LAWYERS (Internet Protocol, date and time of access)

To comply with our legal obligations.

Registration data of service providers (name, address, telephone number, e-mail, document data, among others)

For the management of our business relationship and operationalization of payments for the services provided.


2. With whom is your personal data shared.

We may share your personal data with:


• BARDI LAWYERS offices. We may share your personal data internally at the offices of BARDI LAWYERS in São Paulo/SP and Jundiaí/SP, or any offices that are subsequently opened, to improve our services and gain efficiency in our business, as in the case of the use of unique or integrated systems between our offices.


• Our partners, service providers and suppliers. To achieve our activities, we maintain relationships and hire several partners, service providers and suppliers, who are essential to our business. Some of these partners, service providers and providers may need access to the personal data we collect to perform their functions, such as information technology service providers, data hosting services, selection and recruitment services, facility management services, event management services, productivity software providers, auditors, correspondents, translators, among other service providers, in which cases we may share your personal data with them. 


• Government Authorities. We may share your personal data with all Governmental Authority that requests it, including with bodies to monitor labor activities or financial activities, regulatory bodies, with judicial bodies or law enforcement authorities.


• Publications and legal rankings. We may share your personal data with legal publications and rankings.


• With third parties interested in the combination or acquisition of our business. We may share your personal data with third parties interested in the combination or acquisition of our business, with whom we are dealing with potential merger, acquisition, or incorporation operations.


• For third parties indicated by you. We may share your personal data with third parties who have been indicated by you upon your request.


3. How long your data is processed.

BARDI ADVOGADOS is committed to processing your personal data only for as long as necessary to achieve the specific purposes of each processing, with the retention of data for the shortest possible duration, considering all existing legal and regulatory obligations and the need to defend the interests of BARDI ADVOGADOS in judicial, administrative or arbitration proceedings.


In this sense, the retention periods of each category of personal data are defined by BARDI ADVOGADOS according to the specific characteristics of each processing, including the nature of the data, the purposes for processing, the existing legal or regulatory obligations, among other criteria relevant to this definition.


In certain cases, we have legal obligations that determine the storage of personal data for specific periods, such as the data of your IP address, time and date of each access to our website, which need to be retained for at least 6 months, in compliance with Article 15 of the Civil Framework of the Internet.


4. International data transfers

In certain circumstances, such as when we use cloud hosting services located in other countries or when we need to involve partner law firms located abroad, your personal data may be transferred internationally.


In such cases, we will take appropriate measures to protect your personal data in accordance with Brazilian law. Personal data transferred to other countries may also be subject to relevant local rules and laws.


5. Cookies

Cookies are small text files that are stored in your browser or on your device and that are triggered when you access most of the websites available on the internet, including ours. They serve, among other purposes, to allow your preferences to be recognized and our site to be shown to you according to these preferences, such as the language in which it is made available. In addition, cookies can be used to evaluate performance metrics, identify usage issues, enable the correct functioning of the website, and collect information about user behavior.


There are different types of cookies. On our website, we may use the following cookies:


• Strictly necessary cookies. They are essential for the operation of our website, to ensure its safety and proper performance, without which it would not function properly.


• Preferred cookies. They store information about your preferences, such as your language and region, allowing for a better site browsing experience.


• Analysis cookies. They collect information about your behavior while browsing our site, such as the pages that are accessed, the visit time, the pages little accessed, so as to allow us to improve the quality of the site.


If you object to their use you may refuse to install these cookies or remove them from your browser or device, except for strictly necessary cookies, which are fundamental to the correct functioning of the website.


For more information on how to remove cookies from your device, you can access the following websites according to the browser you use. By accessing the respective websites, you will be subject to the privacy policies of other companies, which may not be consistent with or like the terms of this Policy:


• How to remove cookies in Google Chrome

• How to remove cookies in Mozilla Firefox

• How to remove cookies in Internet Explorer

• How to remove cookies in Safari


6. Your rights as a data subject

You have several rights in relation to your personal data and BARDI ADVOGADOS is committed to respecting those rights, ensuring that you can exercise them at any time. Among the rights available to you are the following:


• Confirmation of the existence of treatment.


• Access to your personal data.


• Rectification of personal data that are incomplete, inaccurate, or outdated.


• Anonymisation, blocking or exclusion in cases where unnecessary, excessive, or non-compliant data are treated.


•Portability, in the form of regulations issued by the National Data Protection Authority.


• Exclusion of data processed with consent, in cases where this is the legal basis for a particular processing activity, subject to the possibilities of continuing to store the data when it is necessary for the fulfillment of a legal or regulatory obligation, or for the defense of our interests in judicial, administrative or arbitration proceedings.


• Information on data sharing with public and private entities.


• Information on the possibility of denying your consent, this is the applicable legal basis for the processing of personal data, with the indication of the consequences of such negative.


• Revocation of consent, at any time, easily and free of charge, simply by communicating your decision to the Head of BARDI LAWYERS. The withdrawal of consent does not invalidate, or render illegitimate the processing activities of personal data that have been carried out before the date of revocation.


• Opposition to processing, in cases where consent is not the legal basis applicable to the processing of your personal data, and where there is any non-compliance with the legislation. BARDI LAWYERS will assess whether its opposition is justified or not, adopting the necessary measures to suspend the treatment or inform the grounds on which it understands that the treatment is lawful and permitted.


• Make a complaint to the National Data Protection Authority.

All these rights may be exercised by you at any time, free of charge, unless the collection of a fee is eventually permitted in accordance with current laws or regulations, and BARDI LAWYERS undertakes to make its best efforts to comply with your requests in a transparent and expeditious manner.


To ensure that the rights are being exercised by you or your duly constituted legal representative, BARDI ADVOGADOS may request information or necessary proof scans about your identity, in order to prevent fraud and ensure your privacy, so that your personal data is not shared with those who are not authorized to do so.


We will respond to your requests within a reasonable time in accordance with applicable law, noting that we may only respond to some requests after we have received the confirmations provided above.


7. Information security

BARDI LAWYERS adopts technical and organizational measures, based on good market practices, to protect your personal data against unauthorized access or illegal or accidental situations of destruction, loss, alteration, communication, or any other form of improper treatment.  Your data is stored in a segregated and secure operating environment that is not publicly accessible. All practices adopted in the life cycle of personal data at BARDI LAWYERS are based on national and international methodologies – ABNT and ISO.


Among the steps we take to protect your personal data are:

• Access controls

• Limitation to the least privilege possible

• Monitoring of access to local networks

• Monitoring of corporate services and devices

• User authentication

• Intrusion prevention and detection

• Antivirus

• Firewall

• Data Loss Prevention

• Maintaining backups

• Traceability mechanisms

• Periodic testing and scans of systems

• Database segmentation

• Logical segmentation of networks

• Rules for Internet access


BARDI LAWYERS implements all these measures to minimize risks of security incidents and undue access, but it is not possible to guarantee the absolute security of your data, especially counterattacks perpetrated by malicious people, which can be highly sophisticated and innovative, with techniques and methods unknown to then even by the best information security tools.


The security of your data also depends on your adoption of reasonable steps in your use of your devices and software. If you identify or become aware of anything that could compromise the security of your personal data, or of any possible vulnerability on our website or systems, please contact us.


8. Third party websites

Our website may make links to third-party websites available. These websites, in turn, have their own privacy policies, which may not be compatible with this Policy. We recommend that you review the respective privacy policies of these third parties to learn about the personal data protection practices they have adopted.


BARDI LAWYERS is not responsible for the regularity of data protection practices of third-party websites, nor for their content, which is not in any way validated, ratified, or subscribed by BARDI LAWYERS.


9. How to talk to BARDI LAWYERS about your personal data

If you have any questions about this Policy or how your personal data is processed by BARDI LAWYERS, do not hesitate to contact us.


Our Person In charge, who is the focal point for any request regarding your personal data, including for the exercise of any of your rights under this Policy, can be contacted directly at the following email:


10. Controller data

The Controller of your personal data is the Italo Bardi Sociedade Individual de Advocacia, registered with CNPJ 35.113.343/0001-47, with office in the city of São Paulo, Estado de São Paulo, on Pinheiros Street, nº 801, cj. 86, Pinheiros, CEP  05422-011.


11. Updates to this policy

As our goal is always to improve our services, this Privacy Policy may undergo changes and updates over time to better reflect our personal data processing practices and provide greater security and transparency to our operations. We recommend that you periodically check this Policy to familiarize yourself with any changes.